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Holon Institute of Technology, Israel


This analysis uncovers the complex interplay of religion, politics, and society in Israel, revealing the intricate dynamics of secular and religious ideologies. The study explores the deep ideological rift between secular and religious communities, a divide that profoundly impacts political stability and policymaking. This division often leads to political crises and reshuffling, with the political system characterized by unstable coalition governments. The research is grounded in the divisions over the state’s spiritual ideology, with significant Orthodox influence shaping policy on education, family law, and cultural affairs. The research shows the profound influence of religious parties on Israeli politics, significantly shaping the country’s policies and ideological direction. Influenced by external factors such as security threats and diplomatic challenges, the dynamic interaction between politics and religion shapes Israeli politics since religious parties advocate for policies that align with their interpretation of Jewish religious law, thereby impacting the role of religion in public policy. The influence of religious politics has led to a discernible shift toward greater religious orthodoxy in public life, driven by the political power of religious parties that prioritize religious values above secular democratic principles. The state’s endorsement of religious education and institutions shapes public policy and societal norms. The analysis examines the influence of religious values in public policy and the dynamic interaction between religious and political spheres, aimed to ensure that religion remains dominant in shaping societal norms and governance. This complex relationship demonstrates the ongoing challenges in balancing religious orthodoxy with secular principles, which poses difficulties and has implications for the stability and cohesion of Israeli society. The urgency and complexity of this task cannot be overstated, as it is crucial for the future of Israeli politics and religious dynamics.


religion, pluralism, governance, politics, Israel

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