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Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B

Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B

ISSN: 2161-6221
Frequency: quarterly
Volume 14, Number 1, Jan.-Mar. 2024 (Serial Number 74)

All articles/submissions should be restructured according to our paper template. And should be uploaded through our submission systems or as attachments to:

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Information for authors

1. Only original and previously unpublished articles will be considered.

2. 3000-8000 words or longer if approved by the editor, including title, abstracts, introduction, contents, results, discussion, conclusions, appendixes and references, with a title of 15 words maximum, an abstract of 300 words at the most, and 3-5 keywords or key phrases.

3. An MS Word format manuscript presented in proper English is required, attach to our email address or submit online.

4. Authors are required to sign the Transfer of Copyright Agreement form if the article accepted.

5. An e-journal and a copy of the issue will sent to the author after publication.

6. The flat price is US$60 per page which is in our format.

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