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Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing, China


This study examines the innovative development of united front work for returnee students in Chinese universities, with a particular focus on six universities in Nanjing. By comparing the strategies and outcomes of these institutions, the research aims to provide insights into effective practices for integrating returnee students into the academic and social fabric of Chinese higher education. The study highlights the importance of policy support, international collaboration, and tailored services to enhance the contribution of returnee students to China’s innovation-driven development strategy.


united front work, returnee students, higher education, innovation, Nanjing, comparative study

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DING Qiang, WANG Yunjiao. (2024). Innovation and Development of United Front Work for Returnee Students in the New Era: A Comparative Study of Six Universities in Nanjing. US-China Education Review A, June 2024, Vol. 14, No. 6, 405-409.


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