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Kaohsiung Middle School, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan


This study explores ways to cultivate the multicultural literacy of high school students. The high school stage is a critical period for the establishment of personal values, and the school mainly focuses on entrance courses. For the literacy connotation of non-important subjects, such as multiculturalism, it is impossible to provide relevant curriculum changes. Speculation and discussion; also because the scope of activities of high school students is mainly on campus, there is a lack of corresponding field identification and cultivation, the conversion of multicultural literacy differences is insufficient, and there are phenomena, such as discrimination and language bullying. Try to improve its multiculturalism, one is to carry out hometown service activities, and the other is to integrate courses. The research method uses the ethnographic perspective to record the experience of hometown service. Through hometown service, students can discover distinct cultural differences and appreciate the beautiful and profound aspects of aboriginal culture. Reading aboriginal literature in high-level Chinese textbooks can understand the uniqueness of aboriginal culture and sort out the historical context, so that students can understand that the aboriginal test bonus system is derived from complex social structure issues. From the above discussion, it is found that penetrating service, reflection, reading, and corrective actions allow high school students to truly realize cultural differences. Boots can overcome differences and understand social justice and equal opportunities for ethnic groups.


multicultural literacy, cultural differences, aboriginal services

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