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1. Unitéde Recherchede Mécaniqueetde Modélisationdes Systèmes Physiques (UR2MSP), Universitéde Dschang, Dschang 237, Cameroun
2. Universitéde Clermont Ferrand, SIGMA Clermont, Institut Pascal, F63000, Clermont-Ferrand 33, France
3. Unitéde Recherche d’ingénierie des systèmes industriels et de l’Environnement (LISIE), IUT Fotso Victorde Bandjoun 237, Cameroun


Based on the biological heat transfer equation of Penne, the internal temperature distribution of the biological tissue was studied, taking into account the evolution of stenosis and hematocrit. The one-dimensional simplifying cylindrical heat equation of the biological living tissues in permanent regime was solved by the FDM (finite difference method) and analytically, to assess the temperature change under the variation of stenosis, hematocrit, K (thermal conductivity), kinematic viscosity, generation of metabolic heat and the heat transfer coefficient. The main results show that the temperature increases as the stenosis and hematocrit increase in size; and the secondary results show that the heat transfer coefficient and the K lower the body temperature while metabolic heat generation increases body temperature. This is in accordance with the literature.


Temperature, Penne’s equation, stenosis, hematocrit.

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