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1. Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Agadez, Post Box 199, Agadez, Niger 2. International Chair of Mathematical Physics and Applications, (ICMPA-UNESCO Chair), University of Abomey-Calavi, 072 B. P.: 50 Cotonou, Benin


In this paper, we first construct generalized q2-cosine, q2-sine and q2-exponential functions. We then use q2-exponential function in order to define and investigate a q2-Fourier transform. We establish q-analogues of inversion and Plancherel theorems.


q-bessel function, q-trigonometric function, q2-fourier transform, inversion theorem, plancherel theorem.

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Arjika S. 2019. “On q2-Trigonometric Functions and Their q2-Fourier Transform” Journal of Mathematics and System Science 9: 130-5.


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