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Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

ISSN: 2328-2150
Frequency: Monthly
Volume 11, Number 8, August 2023 (Serial Number 117)

Author Guidelines of Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Download: The Basic Format of Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

1. Submission

All manuscripts submitted will be considered for publication. Manuscripts should be sent online or as an email attachment to: p[email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

2. Manuscript Preparation and Organization

Article type:

• Original research articles

• Review articles

• Case report 

Letter to the editor

Manuscript organization:

Manuscripts should follow the style of Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, be written in concise and grammatically correct English, and be presented in a manner and at a level that will be accessible to the broad readership of the journal.

Original manuscripts must be prepared using a standard word processing program (such as Microsoft Word). Manuscript pages should be numbered and prepared with single line spacing, use settings for standard 21 × 28.5 cm paper. Figures should be digitally prepared.

Organize the manuscripts in the following order: Title Page, Abstracts, Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Analysis, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and References. Note that when submitting your manuscript the References must be placed at the end of your document file. Tables and figures should be included as part of your manuscript file.

Manuscripts may be 3000-8000 words or longer if approved by the editor, including an abstract, texts, tables, footnotes, appendixes, and references. The title should be on page 1 and not exceed 15 words, and should be followed by an abstract of 100-200 words. 3-8 keywords or key phrases are required.

Title Page: The title page should include the authors’ full names and affiliations, the name, highest education, academic title, research fields and e-mail address (Follow the author's wishes) of the corresponding author.

Manuscript Title: The full manuscript title should be succinct (approximately 120 characters) and informative. The title should include sufficient detail for indexing but be general enough to be clear to the broad readership. Abbreviations and acronyms, including those for gene and protein names, should be avoided in titles or the general nature of the abbreviated entity should be clear.

Abstract: You should focus on the structure and English use. This part should include the purpose, topic, method and achievements of the study and around or less than 200 words. Key words should be more than 3 and less than 8.

Tables: Tables should be located in the main text which they are referred. Prepare tables using Word's table feature. Please do not use color, shading or graphics in tables. Number tables consecutively as they are first mentioned in the text. Provide a concise title for each table. Add table notes to make a short general description or explain the meanings of some symbols and abbreviations if necessary.

Figures: Refer to all diagrams, graphs and photographs as “Fig.”. Number figures consecutively according to the order in which they are called out in the text. Figures should be unambiguous and as conceptual as possible and should provide enough information so that the reader can understand them without significant input from the text. Provide a short title for each figure.

JPP, USA does not allow certain electronic enhancements or manipulations of micrographs, gels, or other digital images using Photoshop or any other software. If multiple images are collected into a single figure, be sure to separate them clearly with lines. If a digital tool is used to adjust contrast, brightness, or color, it must be applied uniformly to an entire image; targeted alteration of only part of an image is prohibited.

Figure size: The journal is printed with the two-column format. The width of one column is about 8 cm and a two-column width is about 17 cm. We need to receive your figures in electronic form. To minimise publication time of your manuscript and help you get the best printed figures it is important that all electronic artwork is supplied in the correct format and resolution. Please save vector graphics (e.g. line artwork) in EPS format at 600dpi, and bitmap files (e.g. half-tones) in TIFF format at 300dpi.

Black and white figures: Do not save black and white or grayscale images in color mode such as RGB or CMYK, as this will result in huge file sizes.

Color figures: We welcome color figures but please note the current options available. We will then reproduce these figures in greyscale in the hardcopy, but in color online. So if there are color figures in your paper, you can use different lines or symbols to instead of colors if necessary. If the authors indeed want to print the figures in color, they will be charged some color printing fee.

References formatAll references should be numbered in square brackets in the text and listed in the REFERENCES section in the order they appear in the text. Below are some examples: 

[1] Karmaus, W., and Riebow, J. F. 2004. “Storage of Serum in Plastic and Glass Containers May Alter the Serum Concentration of Polychlorinated Biphenyls.” Environmental Health Perspectives 112 (2): 643-47.

[1] Belter, P. A., Cussler, E. L., and Hu, W. S. 1988. Bioseparations: Downstream Processing for Biotechnology. Minneapolis: John Wiley & Sons, 214-9.

Internet Sources

[1] Fine, L. 2005. “Einstein Revisited.” J. Chem. Educ. 82: 1601-11. Accessed October 15, 2005. http://jchemed.

[1] Rouez, M., Blanc, D., Bayard, R., and Gourdon, R. 2008. “Evaluation of Aerobic and Anaerobic Biodegradability of Individual Fractions of MSW as Compared to Mixed Waste.” Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Engineering for Waste Valorisation, Patras, Greece.

3. Review Process

Review Procedures and Editorial Policies: All submissions will be assigned to the appropriate members of the Editorial Board who will decide whether the paper should be peer-reviewed. Those that do not will be returned at this stage; we make every effort to do this as quickly as possible (usually within 14 days) so that the authors can take their work forward without delay. Papers sent out for review will, typically, be assessed by two or three independent referees. Authors may nominate potential referees. These should not have been co-authors or collaborators within the past 3 years, nor should they have any other conflict of interest. If authors wish to request the exclusion of certain reviewers specific justification must be provided in the covering letter for the Editor’s consideration.

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