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Cindy S.
Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering
Frequency: quarterly
Volume 13, Number 2, Apr.-June 2023 (Serial Number 46)
Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering (ISSN 2159-5879), is an international, scholarly and peer-reviewed journal (print and online) published monthly by David Publishing Company, USA which was founded in 2001. Its aim is to achieve the advancement and dissemination of information in the field of naval architecture, ocean science, ocean engineering and so on. It promotes all aspects of naval architecture, ocean science, experimental, theoretical and laboratory researches and so on. The journal is published bi-monthly in English. Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed in hard copy. The e-journal provides free and open access to all of its content on our website.
Information for Author(s)
1. The manuscript should be original, and has not been published previously. Do not submit material that is currently being considered by another journal.
2. Manuscripts may be 3000-8000 words or longer, including an abstract, texts, tables, footnotes, appendixes, and references. All of these must be written in APA format. The title should not be exceeding 15 words, and abstract should not be exceeding 250 words. 3-5 keywords or key phrases are required.
3. The manuscript should be in MS Word format, and submitted as an attachment to our email address.
4. If the articles are accepted, the authors are required to sign the Transfer of Copyright Agreement form.
5. All research articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. The review process usually takes 3-4 weeks.
6. Author needs to pay publication fee to have his/her paper published in our journal.
Peer Review Policy
Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering is a peer review journal. All research articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.
Editorial Procedures
All papers considered appropriate for this journal are reviewed anonymously by at least two outside reviewers. The review process usually takes two to three weeks. Papers are accepted for publication subject to no substantive, stylistic editing. The Editor reserves the right to make any necessary changes in the papers, or request the author to do so, or reject the paper submitted. Once the final version of the paper has been accepted, authors are requested not to make further changes to the text.