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Computer Technology and Application
Frequency: monthly
Volume 8, Number 1, January 2018 (Serial Number 47)
This is Computer Technology and Application (Print ISSN: 1934-7332; Online ISSN: 1934-7340, USA), an international academic journal published monthly across the United States by David Publishing Company. Its topics include computer science and engineering in general, bio-science, image sciences, signal sciences, mathematical sciences, social and management sciences, nano sciences, intelligent systems, ubiquitous computing, etc.
It welcomes the submission of original manuscripts reporting innovations or investigations related to these topics.
It also seeks researchers who have deep research in and outstanding contribution to Computer Technology and Application area to be our reviewers/editors. If you are interested in the journals, please send us your CV.
Information for Authors
1. The manuscript should be original, and has not been published previously. Do not submit material that is currently being considered by another journal.
2. The manuscript should be written in English, and it may be 3000-10000 words or longer if approved by the editor, including an abstract, texts, tables, footnotes, appendixes, and references. The title should be on page 1 and not exceed 15 words, and should be followed by an abstract of 150 – 300 words. 3-5 keywords or key phrases are required.
3. The manuscript should be in MS Word format, submitted as an email attachment to our email address.
4. Authors of the articles being accepted are required to sign the Transfer of Copyright Agreement form.
5. Author will receive 2 copies of the issue of the journal containing their article.
6. The author will be charged a service fee incurred in reviewing, editing and printing. The flat price is USD 50 per page.
Peer Review Policy
CTA is the refereed journal. All research articles in the journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.
Editorial Procedures
All papers considered appropriate for the journal is reviewed anonymously by at least two outside reviewers. The review process usually takes four to five weeks. Papers are accepted for publication subject to no substantive, stylistic editing. The Editor reserves the right to make any necessary changes in the papers, or request the author to do so, or reject the paper submitted. A copy of the edited paper along with the first proofs will be sent to the author for proofreading. They should be corrected and returned to the Editor within seven days. Once the final version of the paper has been accepted, authors are requested not to make further changes to the text.
Submission of Manuscript
All manuscripts submitted will be considered for publication. The Manuscripts can be sent online (http://www.davidpublisher.org/index.php/Home/Sub/index.html) or as an email attachment to: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected].
Editor Office
Computer Technology and Application
Tel: 1-323-984-7526; 1-323-410-1082 Fax: 1-323-984-7374; 1-323-908-0457