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Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A

Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A

ISSN: 2161-6213
Frequency: quarterly
Volume 14, Number 2, Apr.-June 2024 (Serial Number 78)
About This Journal

The Journal of Materials Science and Engineering is an international, scholarly, and peer-reviewed journal (print and online) published monthly by David Publishing Company, USA which was founded in 2007. It provides an international medium for the publication of theoretical and experimental studies and reviews related to metals, nonmetal, functional materials, composite materials, ceramics, macromolecule, superconductor, biological and biomedical materials, magnetism, glasses, polymers, electrical materials, fibers, nanostructured materials, and so on.
  There are so many authors have published their papers in our journal all around the world. All papers considered appropriate for our journal are reviewed anonymously by at least two outside reviewers. In order to steadily improve the journal and provide a platform to present more academic achievements, the journal has been separated into 2 issues (Issue A and Issue B) from June 2011. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A provides an international medium for the studies related to the properties, microstructure and processing of the materials, while Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B focuses on the functional solid-state materials, chemical treatment process, biomaterials, molecualr biology and genetics 
engineering related materials. Both journals welcome contributions which promote the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between practicing educators and material researchers all over the world. In google scholar metrics, h5 index and h5 median of JMSE are 8 and 10, respectively. For Journal JMSE-A, the two metrics are both 7. (

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