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Ahmad Mubin, Teuku Yuri Maimunsyah Zagloel, Roekmijati Widaningroem Soemantojo, Budi Darmadi
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University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia; University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
The industrial sector is a major sector in the Indonesian economy that plays an important role in the national development. The industrial sector is expected to become a motor of the national economy and has put the manufacturing industry as a driving force for real sector. Energy has a very important role in sustainable national development, especially to support the industrialization process that serves as fuel and raw materials. The utilizing of energy in Indonesia increased rapidly in line with economic and population growth. Indonesia, as the tropical agricultural country, has several potential sources of renewable energy, which are biomass energy. The concept of industrial symbiosis is particularly relevant to the utilization of biomass waste for energy purposes as the concept is designed to facilitate the optimization of by-product and waste between industries. Industrial symbiosis is important for sustainability, not only because how wastes are handled, but also because it addresses the social and economic aspects of sustainability. The purposes of this study are: (1) planning the industrial symbiosis model in the energy sector to increase the industrial estate (IE) sustainability performance; and (2) creating the scenarios of industrial symbiosis in the energy sector through the utilization of by-products and waste generated by industry in the region and the utilization of biomass from agricultural waste and manufacturing industries waste.
industrial symbiosis, energy, biomass, sustainability performance, industrial estate (IE)
Journal of US-China Public Administration, ISSN 1548-6591, December 2012, Vol. 9, No. 12, 1423-1431
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