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Department of City and Regional Planning, Izmir Katip Celebi University, İzmir 35620, Turkey


Starting in the late nineteenth century rail network expansion activities in large cities of developed countries has been in trouble because of the energy crisis in the 1970s, but the rail system works in the 1990s accelerated the concepts of environmental and economic sustainability, and is still continuing today. In the 1970s urban rail systems, previously only applied to highly populated cities, started to be implemented in low-populated urban areas. Despite efforts to accelerate rail system in the 1990s in developed countries, many developing countries had not have rail networks. In countries which had been studying on rail system networks, along with the acceleration of urban development, due to the lack of transportation plans, inadequate or incorrect implementation of the plans or changing actions in the implementation phase applied advanced rail system has not reached capacity or expected. In Turkey, the purpose, goals and policies of transport plans are away from integrity, and the problems are not clearly detected. Also, not defined and incomplete assessment of transportation systems and insufficient financial analysis are the most important cause of failure. Rail systems and other transportation systems to be addressed as a whole is seen as the main factor in increasing efficiency in applications that are not integrated yet in our country to come to this point has led to the problem. Compared to other transport systems, rail systems require more efficient use of the investment because of the high investment costs, so that implementation of these systems without deviating from the main policies and objectives, efficient use of financial resources has become crucial for the correct orientation of the investment. One of the most important factors in the provision of effective use of rail systems is locating in the right corridor. Provided, however, to meet the expected passenger capacity in terms of investment is very important to achieve the objective. In this study, located in the city of İzmir, Bornova-Üçyol Metro line and Aliağa-Menderes İzban Light Rail System and light rail systems in the coming years and the projected capacity of recommendation after analyzing tried to reveal the effects of urban space.


Rail network expansion, urban development, transportation planning, financial analysis, passenger capacity.

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Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 13 (2025) 36-44

doi: 10.17265/2328-2142/2025.01.004


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