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Identifying the Impact of Preconstruction Elements on Project Time Variances
Sogol Salary1,2 and Matthew Reyes1
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1. Haskell and Irene Lemon School of Construction Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman 73019, USA
2. JE Dunn Construction, Dallas 75254, USA
Working toward an efficient duration and timeline for the preconstruction phase should be one of the main objectives for project owners. Failing to plan for and coordinate preconstruction decisions in order to control preconstruction duration and manage time variances can lead to financial insecurities, incomplete contract documents, permitting issues, and unrealistic schedules and resource allocation during this phase. To minimize time variances and ensure a productive decision-making process, project owners should be familiar with critical elements in a project that cause variances in the preconstruction phase timeline. In this study, the impacts of eleven critical preconstruction elements on time variances were analyzed. These eleven preconstruction elements are considered critical in how they impact time variances during the preconstruction phase. They were determined to be critical based either on significantly impacting time variance during the preconstruction phase or believed to be critical from findings from previous studies, however, the findings from this study showed no significant impact on the time variances. In most previous studies focusing on the elements impacting projects’ schedules, data were collected by surveying construction professionals. In this study, objective and quantitative data related to project preconstruction elements were used as opposed to self-reported data. Using the results of this study, project owners and stakeholders will be able to evaluate the critical preconstruction elements impacting the timing of their projects and prioritize decisions related to the critical elements early on during the preconstruction phase.
Preconstruction, time variances, critical preconstruction elements, objective data.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 19 (2025) 9-21
doi: 10.17265/1934-7359/2025.01.002
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