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Literature Review on Gerontolinguistics
ZHANG Meng-han
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Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
Gerontolinguistics, an emerging interdisciplinary field bridging linguistics and gerontology, investigates the impact of aging on language and communication. With the rapid aging of populations globally, the study of linguistic phenomena in older adults has gained increasing importance. In China, gerontolinguistics has seen substantial development since its formal introduction in 2019, driven by demographic shifts and the growing need for strategies to address the communication challenges of the elderly. This literature review synthesizes the current state of gerontolinguistics in China, focusing on its development trajectory, research themes, and future prospects.
gerontolinguistics, elderly language studies, geriatric pragmatics
Journal of Literature and Art Studies, December 2024, Vol. 14, No. 12, 1143-1147
Cummings, L. (2009). Clinical pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Divita, D. (2014). Multilingualism and later life: A sociolinguistic perspective on age and aging. Journal of Aging Studies, (8), 94-103.
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