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Ancient Greek Tragic Elements in By the Bog of Cats…
LIU Yi-nuo
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College of Arts, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang Guizhou 550025 China
By the Bog of Cats… is the representative work of Irish playwright Marina Carr. Carr tells a story of abandonment and revenge in Ireland at the end of the 20th century, based on the ancient Greek tragedy Medea. By the Bog of Cats… not only places the original world view in the modern embodiment of life but also matches the modern drama creation with the ancient poetics theory, reflecting the strong characteristics of ancient Greek tragedy. Starting from the plot structure, destiny motif, and creative skills, this paper aims to analyze By the Bog of Cats…’s inheritance and echo of ancient Greek tragedy, and show its strong historical discourse and sense of responsibility for the times.
By the Bog of Cats…, Marina Carr, Greek tragedy
Journal of Literature and Art Studies, December 2024, Vol. 14, No. 12, 1109-1114
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