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Variable Step Filtered-X Least Mean Square Algorithm Based on Piecewise Logarithmic Function
Zeyi Ding, Jianan Bian, Xinyuan Jiang, and Xi Chen
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School of Science, Jiliang University, China
In order to improve the problem that the filtered-x least mean square
(FxLMS) algorithm cannot take into account the convergence speed, steady-state error
during active noise control.A piecewise variable step size FxLMS algorithm
based on logarithmic function(PLFxLMS) is proposed, and the genetic algorithm
are introduced to optimize the parameters of logarithmic variable step size
FxLMS(LFxLMS), improved logarithmic variable step size Films(IFxLMS), and
PLFxLMS algorithms. Bandlimited white noise is used as the input signal, FxLMS,
LFxLMS, ILFxLMS, and PLFxLMS algorithms are used to conduct active noise
control simulation, and the convergence speed and steady-state characteristic
of four algorithms are comparatively analyzed.Compared with the other three
algorithms, the PLFxLMS algorithm proposed in this paper has the fastest
convergence speed, and small steady-state error. The PLFxLMS algorithm can
effectively improve the convergence speed and steady-state error of the FxLMS
algorithm that cannot be controlled at the same time,and achieve the optimal
Active noise control,filtered-x least mean square algorithm, variable step size, genetic algorithm.
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