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The Epistemology of Consciousness in Mocombeian Consciousness Field Theory
Paul C. Mocombe
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West Virginia State University, Institute, USA
The Mocombeian Foundation, Inc., Lauderhill, USA
This work explores the epistemology of consciousness in Mocombe’s consciousness field in the material world. The paper critically assesses Mocombe’s consciousness field theory within the larger body of contemporary ontological debates regarding the nature, origin, and constitution of consciousness in the universe. The work goes on to highlight the manifestation of Mocombe’s consciousness field from the absolute vacuum to and in the material resource framework that is the earth, and how we come to know about and experience both (the absolute vacuum and the material worlds that it creates).
structuration theory, phenomenological structuralism, structure/agency, mythopraxis, quantum mechanics, social class language game, Haitian Epistemology, Haitian/Vilokan Idealism, consciousness field theory
Paul C. Mocombe. (2024). The Epistemology of Consciousness in Mocombeian Consciousness Field Theory. Philosophy Study, Nov.-Dec. 2024, Vol. 14, No. 6, 273-285.
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