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Shanghai Publishing and Printing College, Shanghai, China


Emily Bronte is one of the most respected novelists in the history of English literature. Her work Wuthering Heights is famous for its deep emotional description and unique characterization. In this novel, Emily Bronte deeply reveals the diversity of human nature through complex character relationships and emotional entanglements. Based on the character image analysis, plot design, and theme content presentation, this paper will focus on the unique development concept of Emily Bronte in Wuthering Heights, and re-understand Emily Bronte and her work Wuthering Heights.


Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights, human nature, social relations, development of concept

Cite this paper

LIN Xuecai, On Emily Bronte's Unique Development Concept in Wuthering Heights, US-China Foreign Language, September 2024, Vol. 22, No. 9, 510-513 doi:10.17265/1539-8080/2024.09.006


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