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1. Istanbul Ticaret University, Istanbul 34445, Turkey
2. Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul 34720, Turkey


Transportation sector is one of the most important elements of a country’s economy with its highway, railway, airway and seaway modes, besides the information and communication infrastructure. Transportation sector has a pattern that affects the society continuously with its economic and social inputs that has a significant role in economies of countries in terms of being an important part of manufacturing process and effects of sizable investments on economy. Demands of more comfortable, more reliable, more safe and more punctual transport in developing economy is an arising trend worldwide and this shows an increase the importance of the transportation sector. Establishment of an efficient and functional transportation system is closely related with traffic safety, intermodal integration and balanced modal distribution. In Turkey, an important improvement has been achieved in these issues, but also some basic constitutive problems are still continuing. These constitutional problems can be summarized as providing traffic safety, integration of innovative implementations to transportation system, enhancing of infrastructure and an effective usage of existing infrastructure.


Traffic safety, modal share, railways, transportation system, transportation policies.

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Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 12 (2024) 248-253 doi: 10.17265/2328-2142/2024.05.005


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