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Pablo Kubo1, Ney Siqueira1, Gilberto Grossl1, Luis Welin2, Mairon Dobicz2 and Marcio Andrade2
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1. Department of Complete Vehicle, Volvo Group North America, Greensboro 27409, USA
2. Department of Complete Vehicle, Volvo Trucks Brazil, Curitiba 81260-900, Brazil
The wheel loads of heavy trucks are the major source of pavement damage, given the repeated loadings imposed by them due to transient events and surface irregularities. While related studies focus on steady-state context regarding simplified vehicle’s parameters and ideal pavement conditions, this paper aims to analyze the vertical load applied to the pavement by considering cornering maneuver as a transient event, on a battery electric vehicle truck. In this concern, measurements were performed on a rigid truck, with two steering front axles, in a closed course proving ground. The relationship has been presented between vehicle’s speed, lateral acceleration and transferred vertical load for a given curve radius of 85.6 m and 3.7° of transversal slope. The measurements results indicated that for every 10 km/h increasing on the vehicle’s speed, additional 110 kgf will be transferred to the pavement on the outer side of the cornering radius. This value itself could not be considered high, but it will be also added to the static load, or overload in some truck applications.
Load transfer, durability, vehicle dynamics.
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 12 (2024) 207-213 doi: 10.17265/2328-2142/2024.05.001
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