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Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico


The purpose of this study is to offer a better comprehension of what happens in organizations when enhancing organizational culture through consciousness by linking the market-oriented ecosystem variables and analyzing their relationship with a conscious organization. Design and methodology: Two questionnaires were used to test the hypotheses, the market-oriented ecosystem 38-item (Yeung & Ulrich, 2019), and the conscious organization model 7-item adaptation (Sisoda, 2018). Pearson correlations were calculated to measure the strength of the linear relationship among the variables involved in each one of the hypotheses, and coefficient alpha (coefficient α) was used to analyze the reliability, to measure the internal consistency of the scales. Relevant findings: Context, ecosystem organizational structure, governance, and people ecosystem were positively correlated to a conscious organization. The originality of this study is based on use of the interaction among the variables of the market-oriented ecosystem model (continuous changing context, ecosystem organizational structure, governance, and people ecosystem) and a conscious organizational culture. Finally, the practical implications of having high levels of the market-oriented ecosystem variables predict high level of consciousness in organizations. These variables require careful consideration, a proactive planning process to enhance organizational culture through consciousness.


conscious organizational culture, market-oriented ecosystem, organizational change

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