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Florin Gaiseanu
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Science and Technology of Information, Bucharest (Romania) and Barcelona (Spain)
A prestigious conference claimed recently a revolution in neuroscience to understand consciousness. In this paper it is shown that this revolution already came, revealing the determinant role of information for human and living structures, both for their structuration and behavior, explaining consciousness at human as the result of the activity of the Informational System of Human and Living Structures. For this, it is emphasized and discussed the informational structure of the eukaryotic cell, the basic/representative composing unit of the multicellular body of human, animals, and plants, showing that the composition and functions of the informational system are basically similar with that of human. To reveal the driving role of informational mechanisms in human and subhuman organisms, it is introduced the concept of matter-related information, showing that information can be hidden/“embodied” or released/“disembodied” in or from the elemental micro/macro components of the body, during the multiple chain/cascade interactions including transduction processes. It is shown that such interactions are initiated from two main categories of informational sources: implicit (genetic) and explicit (external/internal) sources, the first category leading to structuration of the body and the second the reactive behavior. Consciousness in human and subhuman organisms, expressed by two corresponding informational relations, is the result of the release of information by the mind, acting as an informational operator/device, the development degree of mind and consciousness depending on the complexity degree and adaptation. An analogy of this Informational Model of Human and Living Structures (IMHLS) with the ancient model of chakras is highlighted, showing that these models support each other, applied with beneficial effects in Reiki technique and music-based cognitive multi-task therapy for neuro-rehabilitation.
matter-related information, embodiment/disembodiment, info-transduction, decision, info-operator, mind/consciousness
Florin Gaiseanu. (2024). The Claimed Revolution to Understand Consciousness: Information Plays the Driving/Essential Role for the Structuration and Behavior of the Living Organisms. Philosophy Study, July-Aug. 2024, Vol. 14, No. 4, 153-167.
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