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Higher School of Social and Natural Sciences named after WincentegoPola, Choiny 2, 20-816 Lublin, Poland


“Motion” (philosophy)(Latin: motus, motio)—in modern philosophy, is a change in the place of space in relation to a fixed point or consideration as such. In the classical metaphysics of Aristotle’s time, motion is an actualization of what is possible, motion is a change: quantitative or local action is complete. Based on the literature of various sources, it seems that exercise is indicated for people with these diseases. Physical activity, according to Dr. Kavitz, focused on the functioning of dopanin signaling. D2 receptor deficiency is enough to explain inactivity in obese people—people with obesity are less socially active. It may contribute to this condition more and more often in the third or even fourth decade of life. About 50% of fifty-year-olds and 60%-70% of seventy-year-olds struggle with degeneration. Joint problems are the most common cause of disability among people under the age of 65. Diabetes is a serious disease, if left untreated and poorly regulated, it can lead to very serious complications and even death.Encouraging physical activity and education in this direction is very necessary.


Physical activity, obesity, joint degeneration, diabetes.

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