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Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang, China


The purpose of this study was to investigate a case of curriculum planning and the integration of cultural learning into English teaching as well as the learning outcomes of the students. Through curriculum transformation and an application of task-based teaching, the researcher explored whether college students participating in an international cultural exchange activity could enhance their cultural learning and English language proficiency. This study is an example of qualitative research, with data collected through individual interviews, observations by the researcher, and field notes.The results show that transforming a curriculum and applying task-based teaching methods positively and deeply can help students culturally and bring success to their language learning. This study suggests that transforming a curriculum entails the capability of language instructors to reconceptualize the subject matter and textbook knowledge they possess for classroom teaching as well as a knowledge of the fundamentals of curriculum to cultivate a capacity for curriculum understanding and reflective teaching.


cultural learning, English teaching, curriculum transformation, task-based teaching

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US-China Foreign Language, June 2024, Vol. 22, No. 6, 298-313 doi:10.17265/1539-8080/2024.06.002


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