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Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Fulda, Germany


This study explores the integration of Experienced Involvement (ExIn) in social-psychiatric care in Germany, emphasizing both the challenges and opportunities it presents. The European Leonardo da Vinci Project (2005-2007) established a curriculum for ExIn, promoting participatory structures in psychiatric services. While peer support is well-established in other European countries, Germany’s experience is still developing. This research uses a mixed methods design, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, to investigate the professional experiences of ExIn recovery companions and team colleagues in German clinics and support services. The findings reveal numerous benefits: for social-psychiatric services, ExIn enhances service quality, inclusivity, and accessibility; for team colleagues, it fosters reflexivity, hope, and trust, and improves self-care; for service users, it provides empowerment, easy access to support, trust, and hope, and offers credible role models. Despite these benefits, challenges such as stigmatization, lack of recognition, and financial constraints remain and require to be addressed. The study highlights the need and provides implications for a dedicated and inclusive approach to effectively implementing ExIn, ultimately enriching psychiatric care through experiential knowledge and reducing prejudice within mental health services.


peer involvement, professionalized peer support, social psychiatry, inclusion, education of social works

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Susanne Iris Bauer. Experienced Involvement (ExIn) in Social-Psychiatric Care of Germany—Challenges and Chances. Sociology Study, May-June 2024, Vol. 14, No. 3, 129-142.


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