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Language is an important carrier of human culture and a specific method for communication between humans. It is one of the most important symbols of human identity and flags of dividing group identity. At present, in the modern national state, the government is paying more attention to language policy and being more and more prudent to it. In the process of making and implementing language policy, the government must take into account a range of factors such as the country’s national history, politics, culture, economy, and relations between different social groups. From the mid-nineteenth century, when New Zealand became a British colony, until the mid-twentieth century, the Maori people were inspired to defend their rights and respect for themselves by the rise of Maori nationalist ideology and Maori political radicalism in a struggle that lasted more than 100 years. Until 1994, there were more than 800 kohanga reo, early childhood institutions that established Maori language instruction independent of the school system, and the nationalism drives to revitalize the Maori national language was at its peak. The process of revolution on Maori language policies in New Zealand reflects a trend of nationalist thoughts from Maori becoming more deep. Exploring the process of change in New Zealand’s Maori language policy will help to develop the study of the social history of indigenous peoples during the colonial period and will contribute to the study of the development of colonized countries and regions in the post-colonial period. The change in New Zealand’s Maori language policy has provided an important example of the preservation and revitalization of the indigenous languages of the world’s former colonies, which is of great significance for the preservation of linguistic and cultural diversity. 


language policy, Māori, Nationalism, New Zealand

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Journal of Literature and Art Studies, June 2024, Vol. 14, No. 6, 436-442


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