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Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria


A prominent Iranian philosopher Ahmad Fardid considered the influential German philosopher Martin Heidegger as “the only Western philosopher who understood the world and the only philosopher whose insights were congruent with the principles of the Islamic Republic”. The report aimed to present Fardid’s interpretation of Heidegger in the light of Iranian-Islamic wisdom. Iranian philosopher believes that Heidegger’s thought responds to the most important intellectual crisis of the West civilization that is nihilism and to reach the possibility of an “other beginning” of thinking that he calls “No-longer-metaphysical-thought”. Considering these two fundamental features, Fardid founds powerful religious-spiritual tendencies in Heidegger’s thinking.


Heidegger, Iran, Ahmad Fardid, wisdom

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Bogdana Todorova. (2024). Heideggerian Thought in the Light of Iranian-Islamic Wisdom. Philosophy Study, May-June 2024, Vol. 14, No. 3, 123-128.


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