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Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil


In the Freudian-Lacanian field, there is an important distinction between knowledge and truth. The truth, of an unconscious nature, is something that inhabits us, directs us, but that escapes us. Knowledge, in turn, is something to be invented, from the hole of the Real, the Unconscious truth, and the subjective experience. The relationships between playing, creating, and fantasizing; the dimension of the uncanny, fiction, and imagination in subjectivity; the invention of knowledge of oneself, derived from the pains and flavors of being who one is, are creative dimensions that inhabit the subject, permeate the analytical act, and transversalize psychoanalysis. In the practice, we listen to and witness processes of analysis that awaken an invention/reinvention of oneself, in the process of remembering, repeating, and elaborating, but also in what the transference relationship summons. Knowledge of oneself, does not guarantee a life without mishaps, sadness, and illusions, but allows the invention and recognition of knowledge and a style. The concept of Sinthome (2007), coined by Jacques Lacan, comes in the wake of the processes of self-invention and is a knowing-doing with the symptom, with the paradoxes of joyful suffering, producing, as a result, an art of saying. Therefore, in this communication, I will articulate elements of theory, practice, and psychoanalytic experience that allow us to expand knowledge of the themes of invention and imagination articulated with the concept of sinthome, their relationships with subjectivity, and the direction of psychoanalytic treatment.


psychoanalysis, invention, imagination, knowledge, sinthome

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Ana Lúcia Mandelli de Marsillac. (2024). Knowledge Is Invented: Addressing Invention and the Art of Saying in the Psychoanalytic Field. Philosophy Study, May-June 2024, Vol. 14, No. 3, 97-105.


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