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Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State
Caleb University, Imota, Lagos


The development of digital technology has brought about a substantial evolution in the multimedia field. The use of generative technologies to produce digital multimedia material is one of the newer developments in this field. The “Digital Generative Multimedia Tool Theory” (DGMTT) is therefore presented in this theoretical postulation by Timothy Ekeledirichukwu Onyejelem and Eric Msughter Aondover. It discusses and describes the principles behind the development and deployment of generative tools in multimedia creation. The DGMTT offers an all-encompassing structure for comprehending and evaluating the fundamentals and consequences of generative tools in the production of multimedia content. It provides information about the creation and use of these instruments, thereby promoting developments in the digital media industry. These tools create dynamic and interactive multimedia content by utilizing machine learning, artificial intelligence, and algorithms. This theory emphasizes how crucial it is to comprehend the fundamental ideas and principles of generative tools in order to use them efficiently when creating digital media content. A wide range of industries, including journalism, advertising, entertainment, education, and the arts, can benefit from the practical use of DGMTT. It gives artists the ability to use generative technologies to create unique and customized multimedia content for its viewers.


digital generative tools, multimedia creation, theory, artificial intelligence, machine learning techniques

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