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Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China


At the end of the 1950s, Shanghai region of China carried out the Lu Xun Medal Reading Campaign and the Red Flag Reading Campaign one after another, aiming to guide young people to read good books and cultivate a positive interest in life through reading, which is a gentle and constant form of ideological education. Based on the historical materials collected by Shanghai Archives, the author investigated the background, development, main links, and effects of the reading movement. The research shows that the reading movement has promoted young people’s political awareness, broadened their knowledge horizons, and promoted the formation of a good social atmosphere.


Lu Xun Medal Reading Campaign, Red Flag Reading Campaign, youth, ideological education

Cite this paper

LIU Hao & JING Huilan. (2024). The Reading Movement in Shanghai, China in the Late 1950s. International Relations and Diplomacy, Mar.-Apr. 2024, Vol. 12, No. 2, 86-90.


Li, Q. T. (November 14, 1956). Li Qitao’s speech on pushing the cause of educating young people further forward. Shanghai Archives Collection, File No. A46-2-198-12.

Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions. (1956a). Materials on some bad phenomena of young workers collected in new workers and young workers’ meetings. Shanghai Archives Collection, File No. C1-2-1819-167.

Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions. (1956b). Comprehensive information on issues concerning the cultural and sports activities of employees. Shanghai Archives Collection, File No. C1-2-1839-146.

Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions Propaganda Department. (1959). Decision and briefing on carrying out the Red Flag Reading Movement. Shanghai Archives Collection, File No. C1-2-3097.

Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League. (1958). Notice, bibliography, summary, and reference materials on the Lu Xun Medal Reading Movement. Shanghai Archives Collection, File No. C21-1-641.

The Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions. (1960). Documents on the implementation of the Red Flag Reading Movement and opinions on selection work. Shanghai Archives Collection, File No. C1-2-3351.

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