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1. Department of Energy Science, Higher Institute of Technology of Mamou, Mamou BP 063, Mamou Republic of Guinea
2. Teaching and Research Laboratory in Applied Energy, Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, Conakry BP 1147, Republic of Guinea
3. Technical Laboratory Department, Higher Institute of Technology, Mamou BP 063, Mamou Republic of Guinea


As part of the national strategy to further develop the wind energy sector, the eight prefectures of Upper Guinea have been selected. Using meteorological data recorded over thirty years (1991-2021) at a height of 20 m, we assessed wind resources in terms of characteristic speeds, power and available energy. To this end, the Weibull distribution method was used and the following values were obtained: 3.66 m/s for the average speed; 1,102.83 W/m2 for the available power and 8,747.06 kWh/m2/year for the annual available energy.


Wind energy, Weibull distribution, high Guinea.

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