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Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan


The objective-scientific conclusions obtained from the researches conducted in various fields of science prove that era and worldview are in unity and are phenomena that determine one another, and era and worldview are the most important phenomena in the understanding of geniuses, historical events, including personalities who have left a mark on the history of politics, and every individual as a whole. And it is appropriate to briefly consider the problem in the context of human and personality factors. It is known that man has tried to understand natural phenomena since the beginning of time. Contact with the material world naturally affects his consciousness and even his subconscious as he solves problems that are important or useful for human life. During this understanding, the worldview changes and is formed. Thus, depending on the material and moral development of all spheres of life, the content and essence of the progress events, as the civilizations replaced each other in different periods, the event of periodization took place and became a system. If we take Europe, the people of the Ice Age of 300,000 years ago, who engaged in hunting to solve their hunger needs, in other words, the age of dinosaurs, have spread to many parts of the world from Africa, where they lived in order to survive and meet more of their daily needs. The extensive integration of agricultural Ice Age People into the Earth included farming, fishing, animal husbandry, hunting, as well as handicrafts, etc., and has led to the revolutionary development of the fields[1]. As economic activities led these first inhabitants of the planet from caves to less comfortable shelters, then to good houses, then to palaces, labor activities in various occupations, including crafts, developed rapidly. Thus, the fads of the era who differed from the crowd (later this class will be called personalities, geniuses...-Kh.G.) began to appear. If we approach the issue from the point of view of history, we witness that the world view determines the development in different periods. This idea can be expressed in such a way that each period can be considered to have developed or experienced a crisis according to the level of worldview. In this direction of our thoughts, the question arises: So, what is the phenomenon of worldview of this era—XXI century? Based on the general content of the current events, characterized as the globalization stage of the modern world, we can say that the outlook of the historical stage we live in is based on the achievements of the last stage of the industrial revolution. In this article, by analyzing the history of the artificial intelligence system during the world industrial revolutions, we will study both the concept of progress of the industrial revolutions and the progressive and at the same time regressive development of the artificial intelligence system.


world, industrial revolutions, artificial intelligence, development

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