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Geomaterials Development Laboratory, Mohamed Boudiaf University, M'sila 28000, Algeria


This paper presents and analyzes the results of a series of compaction, fragmentability and damage tests performed on an expansive overconsolidated clay treated with cement and lime. This clay was obtained from the urban site of Sidi-Hadjrès city (wilaya of M'sila, Algeria), where significant damages frequently appears in the road infrastructures, roadway systems and light structures. Tests results obtained show that the geotechnical parameters values deduced from these tests are concordant and confirm the evolutivity of this natural clay treated with composed Portland cement or extinct lime and compacted under optimum Proctor conditions.


Expansive clay, evolutivity, treatment, cement, lime, fragmentability coefficient, damage coefficient.

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Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 18 (2024) 134-140 doi: 10.17265/1934-7359/2024.03.004


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