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Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China


In order to promote the exchange of Chinese culture with foreign countries, translators bear an important mission in the process of cross-cultural communication. Although there are cultural differences, we can achieve cultural dissemination and exchange through continuous cultural dialogue. As an important way for foreign scholars to understand the history of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties in China, the translation of historical texts is crucial. Multiple typical cases are selected under the guidance of the translation theory of compensation to use relevant methods or techniques from the three levels of language, culture, and aesthetics to compensate for the loss of Li Xueqin’s The Origin of Ancient Chinese Civilization in English translation proofreading.


translation compensation theory, Li Xueqin, The Origin of Ancient Chinese Civilization

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WANG Rong. (2024). The Translation of Chinese Literature under the Theory of Translation Compensation. Philosophy Study, Jan.-Feb. 2024, Vol. 14, No. 1, 9-15.


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