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Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia


This study investigated the perceptions of English educators and supervisors in Jeddah Governorate regarding the process of teaching English to elementary students. A survey was conducted using a sample size of 94 educators and 10 supervisors. The data indicate that respondents considered English instruction at the elementary level essential for expanding kids’ perspectives, improving academic performance, and promoting international involvement. The main advantages cited are the development of English language skills and the promotion of early education. Although not as easily noticeable, the disadvantages include potential negative impacts on an individual’s proficiency in Arabic and their sense of national identification. The highlighted challenges encompass insufficient teacher training, student reluctance towards English, limited resources, and school disparities. The proposed techniques focused on prioritizing English instructors’ training, ensuring the use of appropriate content, utilizing technology, and promoting awareness of students and educators. The current research found different obstacles in teaching English at elementary stages. To overcome these obstacles, it will be essential to enhance teacher competencies, develop efficient teaching methods, get the backing of stakeholders, assign adequate resources, and carry out continuous evaluations. Further research can also contribute to a better understanding of how early English learning impacts on Arabic identity and proficiency.


English language instruction, elementary education, teacher perceptions, Saudi Arabia, difficulties, advantages, Arabic language, national identity

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Sino-US English Teaching, February 2024, Vol. 21, No. 2, 55-72 doi:10.17265/1539-8072/2024.2.001


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