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Department of Internal Medicine, Dazhou Orthopedic Hospital, Dazhou, Sichuan 635000, China


Heatstroke is the most severe condition in high-temperature related emergencies, namely severe heatstroke. It is caused by exposure to high temperature and humidity, where the body’s regulatory function is imbalanced and heat production exceeds heat dissipation, leading to a rapid increase in core temperature, exceeding 40 °C. It is a serious and fatal disease accompanied by skin burning, consciousness disorders (such as delirium, convulsion, coma), and multiple organ dysfunction. It is the most severe type of heatstroke, and once it occurs, the mortality rate is extremely high. According to the cause of the disease and the susceptible population, heat stroke can be divided into labor type heat stroke and non-labor type heat stroke, also known as classical heat stroke. Labor induced heat stroke mostly occurs in young and middle-aged people. It occurs several hours after vigorous exercise or physical labor, with about 50% of patients sweating profusely, heart rate 160-180 beats/minute, pulse pressure increasing, and can cause rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, liver failure (liver transaminase can rise to tens of thousands of units after 24 h of onset), Diff -use Intravascular Coagulation or Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome, with a high mortality rate.


Thermal damage factors, shock, heat shock disease, multiple organ failure

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Journal of US-China Medical Science 20 (2023)


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