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Traumatic Insistence: Reflections on the Concept of Negative in Psychoanalysis
Ana Lúcia Mandelli de Marsillac
Anelise Hauschild Mondardo
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Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
The so-called non-neurotic pathologies have been widely studied, as they require clinical intervention different from the analytic process for cases of neurosis. This proposal focuses on the neurotic and psychotic structures with the concept of negative as an operator for metapsychological and clinical debate. The negative may be associated with the neurotic structure with respect to the establishment of repression, the action of defenses in distinguishing psychic systems, and the overbearing presence of word-presentations. In this structural dimension, free association and analytic interpretation operate by means of the cut, the negative and the excess libido found in symptomatic and traumatic insistence. Regarding the psychotic structure, the foreclosure of the paternal function does not inscribe a negative, causing the subject to be adrift in language, their unconscious out in the open air. In this sense, analytic intervention acts on the traumatic insistence of language, playing the role of secretary to the psychotic (Lacan, 1955-56), helping them to weave ties and produce negatives before the invasive Other. Much research has focused on investigating the reverberation of trauma on psychic life as well as the unconscious content bordering on the drive—more specifically, the death drive and the idea of an excess. This communication proposal seeks in the concept of negative theoretical and technical elements to problematize these issues. For such, it analyzes the contributions of Freud, Lacan, and Green to the proposition that this concept can be considered an operator of metapsychological and technical reflection in traumatic insistence.
the negative, traumatic insistence, psychoanalysis, metapsychology
Ana Lúcia Mandelli de Marsillac & Anelise Hauschild Mondardo. (2023). Traumatic Insistence: Reflections on the Concept of Negative in Psychoanalysis. Philosophy Study, June 2023, Vol. 13, No. 6, 252-259.
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