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LIEENP, CENSUPEG, Joinville, Brazil; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


A considerable number of students have learning disabilities in the first years of school, and a precoce intervention could minimize the financial, social, and personal costs of this problem. Ludomotor interventions have been shown good results as a neuropsychopedagogical intervention tool to improve motor and cognitive functions and consequently, academic performance. We developed a digital version, in Exergame (EXG) form, based on a set of Neuropsychopedagogical Ludomotor Interventions (NLI) called “Coordenando-se”, that was elaborated by Braga (2016). For this we use as the EXG console the Makey Makey kit, that can transform E.V.A. versions of the figures of the NLI in “keys” which when pressed fire events on the game. The presentation of the figures of this EXG on screen increases its velocity as the player increases his hit points. This study collected data utilizing Scale of Adherence to Digital Games in Education to analyze the self-perception of 30 students of Brazilian schools of Joinville, SC about the motivational and experiential aspects and learning capacity of the present EXG developed. The results point to a positive impression and promising preliminary results when it comes to improvement of learning capacity of the practitioners.


neuropshycopedagogical intervention tool, ludomotor intervention, cognitive intervention, makey makey kit, exergames, learning academic performance

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Veronica T. Coacci, Fabrício Bruno Cardoso, Lucianara Braga, Alfred Sholl-Franco. (2023). Self-perception of Students About the Practice of Exergames in the School Environment and Possible Influences on Their Learning Skills: A Preliminary Study. US-China Education Review A, May-June 2023, Vol. 13, No. 3, 144-154.


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