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Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA


Home-based telework (HBT) is not new, but has rapidly evolved since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The effectiveness of telework or “work from home” remains controversial among researchers, while the relationship between HBT and employee innovative behavior (EIB) has not received sufficient attention. Relying on resource conservation theory, social exchange theory, and cognitive-emotional systems theory, a chain mediation model of HBT on EIB was constructed with perceived organizational support (POS) and perceived insider status (PIS) as mediating variables. HBT may cause the blurring of work-family boundaries and female employees tend to devote more energy to family life, and so the three-order moderating effect of family supportive supervisor behavior (FSSB) and gender was also examined. We found that HBT has a positive effect on EIB based on data from home-based workers in 12 Chinese information technology companies. Also, POS and PIS play separate as well as chained mediating roles in this relationship. Notably, there are gender differences in the moderating effect of FSSB on the relationship between HBT and EIB where FSSB positively moderates the relationship only among male employees.


home-based telework, employee innovative behavior, perceived organizational support, perceived insider status, family supportive supervisor behavior, information technology

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