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Aequilibria S.r.l.-SB, Venice 30175, Italy


This work aims to analyse the actions that companies working in large-scale distribution carry along their value chains to minimise impacts on climate change. Companies operating in this field are aware that it is less effective to act directly on the core processes and need to involve the upstream value chain in their carbon reduction strategy. These businesses, in fact, need to focus on the indirect GHG (Greenhouse Gases) emissions and depend on how suppliers manage their impacts. In this sector, virtuous companies collaborate with their suppliers to get involved in a common path of quantifying and cutting said impacts together. This aspect is particularly relevant in the case of large-scale retailers. However, the process is not immediate since the supply chain is usually very dense and diverse, for instance, adopting various approaches that do not always coincide. In any case, the key aspect is mapping these suppliers: one of the tools mostly used for this purpose is the survey, as a quick instrument able to reach hundreds of suppliers at the same time, receiving a fast and standardized response, which can easily be processed to form a comprehensive and harmonized mapping of the results as the first step for the subsequent implementation of mitigation strategies.


Climate change, suppliers, value chain, sustainability, large-scale distribution.

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