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Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China


“Stillness”, as the Vimoksha state of Buddhism’s Nirvana state, is the ultimate experience of religious practice. It has rich connotations. Firstly, “Stillness” is an ultimate aesthetic experience; secondly, “Stillness” means transcending real society, the secular world and utility. In Lao-tzu’s thought, “To the Ultimate, You Yourself Empty”, “Remain in Silence and Clarity”, “Anātman”, etc., are presented, showing that Buddhism and Lao-tzu have some commonalities. Based on the text, this article will make a simple comparative analysis, after separately discussing Lao-tzu’s “Xu Jing” and Buddhism’s “Silence”, in order to show their similarities and differences more fully and objectively.


“Xu Jing”, “Stillness”, Lao-tzu, Buddhism

Cite this paper

YAN Feifei. (2023). A Comparative Study of Lao-tzu’s “Xu Jing” and Buddhism’s “Stillness”. Philosophy Study, February 2023, Vol. 13, No. 2, 55-59.


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