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Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences, Chengdu, China


The difficulty of learning English is not only related to interest, but also related to the correctness of learning methods. Especially in English teaching, a comprehensive and in-depth mastery of vocabulary can improve the level of English language, learn English knowledge better, and improve the level of cross-cultural communication. The application of corpus in English classroom vocabulary teaching can provide more educational space for vocabulary teaching, enrich teaching methods, and at the same time, facilitate students to learn vocabulary and lay a foundation for learning English language. To this end, this article first describes the important role of corpus application in vocabulary learning in English classroom teaching. Secondly, it discusses the difficulties of vocabulary learning and the factors that affect the quality of learning. Finally, in order to enhance the learning effect of students and improve the teaching level, several learning strategies have been formulated to continuously highlight the practicality of the corpus.


corpus, English classroom teaching, vocabulary learning, importance, problems, measures

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Sino-US English Teaching, January 2023, Vol. 20, No. 1, 27-32 doi:10.17265/1539-8072/2023.01.005


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