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Shinawatra University, Bangkok, Thailand; Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, Shinawatra University, Bangkok, Thailand


The corpus of this research was selected from the novel White Deer Plain, focusing on the inter-characteristics of various sign text modalities (fiction, TV lines and TV series), involving the interaction between sign text interpreters such as authors, scriptwriters, directors, actors, censors, post-producers, audiences, etc. Sign manipulations were adopted in these processes. It can be said that these sign processes from linguistic signs to TV drama cross-media and multimedia composite signs are typical sign text. Therefore, the research about complexity of the sign process attracts authors’ interest. There are relatively few studies on the analysis of Bai Jiaxuan and Lu Zilin in White Deer Plain from the perspective of semiotics. This paper will analyze the differences in the characterizing process between novels and TV series from the perspective of sign manipulations.


Bai Jiaxuan, Lu Zilin, White Deer Plain, sign manipulations

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Sociology Study, Sept.-Oct. 2022, Vol. 12, No. 5, 185-194


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