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Anhui Sanlian University, Hefei, China


Embodied philosophy see metaphorical and metonymy thinking and language as grounded in the interactions between bodily experience, mind, and world. An important application of embodied philosophy is to explain the cognitive mechanism behind the generation of polysemy in language. As a crucial part of cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor and metonymy theory illustrates the progress of human’s cognitive capacities essentially, i.e. from concrete and simple categories to abstract and complex categories. This paper advocates a method of seeking the relation between metonymy and metaphor in generating polysemic words to prove that embodied philosophy lays the philosophical theoretical foundation for language research, including the mechanism and specific methods of adopting this method. By examining the relation between metaphor and cognitive mind supported by embodied philosophy, the traditional view that language is autonomously generated can be eradicated. On the basis of previous researches, this paper adopts the mechanism of a continuum of metaphor and metonymy to illustrate polysemy through a case study of the word “Star” and analyzes the reflection of embodied philosophy in the generation of polysemy. The findings will bring certain advantages to the cognitive study of polysemy, to the research on interaction between metaphor and metonymy, and to the reflection of philosophy in language.


metaphor, metonymy, polysemy, embodied philosophy

Cite this paper

PENG Xiaoshuang. (2022). A Study of Cognitive Mechanism of Polysemy Word “Star” From the Perspective of Embodied Philosophy. Philosophy Study, August 2022, Vol. 12, No. 8, 475-481.


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