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Istanbul Okan University, Istanbul, Turkey


Power is a constantly discussed phenomenon in international relations. In this direction, the definition of “power” has been interpreted differently from past to present. Among these definitions, the theory of realism explained the complex and dynamic international system in the simplest way, especially according to the conditions of the Cold War period.The theory of realism has often helped guide government policy. It also indicated the issues that states should focus on. During the Cold War period, especially the neo-realist approach of Hans Morgenthau, the element of national power formed an important guide for the characteristic policies of states. The elements of national power, which Hans Morgentha diversifies as political uncertainty, economic doubt, science and technology, demography, geography, military as a whole, are all internationally wide-ranging. However, it gives an incomplete answer to the international system of the 21st century. In the 21st century, states have increased their focus on intelligence. Many states, especially America, have examined the intelligence scientifically. Today, it is accepted as a scientific field. The study tries to explain that the lack of Hans Morgenthau’s understanding of power is “intelligence”.


power, realism, intelligence, security, international relations, Hans Morgenthau

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