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Ningbo University of Finance and Economics, Ningbo, China


Under the text of Xi’s call for “Chinese culture to go abroad” and the international craze for Mandarin, the article aims to reveal the relationship between college English textbooks and Chinese cultural aphasia, based on an analysis of a survey of a university in southern China. The specific research questions are: What is the attitude of English majors toward integrating English textbooks into Chinese culture? Do English majors have “Chinese cultural aphasia”? To what extent? Is there an imbalance between Chinese and western culture in College English textbooks? Through a test, questionnaire, and textbook analysis, a survey on Chinese cultural aphasia in university English textbooks among English majors was conducted. The research results show that English textbooks have a serious lack of Chinese culture; English majors have severe Chinese cultural aphasia; English majors have a positive attitude towards integrating Chinese culture into English textbooks, and they are willing to learn the English expressions of Chinese culture. The author believes that the study has the following practical significance: First, the statistics in the study offer a thought for textbook editors; second, the study can stimulate English teachers to cultivate students’ cross-cultural communication skills; and third, research may inspire students to learn more about Chinese culture and enrich their knowledge.


Chinese cultural aphasia (CCA), university English textbook, English learning

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