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1. Department of Natural Resources Management and Development (GRND), Antananarivo University, Ambohitsaina-Antananarivo 101, Madagascar
2. Department of Researcher in Weed Science of CIRAD, Boulevardde la Lironde Montpellier 34398, France
3. Department of Agronomic Research of DRA/FOFIFA, Ambatobe Antananarivo 101, Madagascar


Weeds cause significant production losses estimated at 25% in tropical countries and constitute main factor limiting rice production in Madagascar. This research, which was conducted at Anosibe-Ifanja (Antananarivo, Madagascar), aims to propose the most cost-effective weed management strategies for both irrigated and rainfed rice system to improve rice production. To make the management of these potential rice weeds effective, two cultural practices were tested as good agricultural and farmers’ practices on two rice systems. A phytoecological study and a floristic inventory were carried out on test plots, followed by an economic profitability analysis of management strategies. In rainfed rice, a greater number of species were inventoried (42 species in 14 families) than in irrigated rice (37 species in 9 families). The most important families found in both systems were Poaceae and Cyperaceae. But in rainfed rice, two other families are also dominant: Fabaceae and Asteraceae. The study on weed management strategy showed that adoption of in-season and out-of-season tillage combined with regular weeding is effective for weed control in irrigated rice. As far as rainfed rice is concerned, improved farming practice by integrating in-season tillage with aerial ploughing combined with the use of pre-emergence herbicide pendimethalin is more cost-effective. This research has resulted in an in-depth knowledge of rice weeds and weed control strategies that are only feasible with mechanization or animal traction.


Weed flora, threshold of harmfulness, weeding, rice growing, commune of Anosibe-Ifanja-Madagascar.

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