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Taizhou University, Linhai, Zhejiang, China


This essay proposes a tentative approach to the implementation path and construction of teaching design mode of hidden M&P (moral and political) education in English-major courses in China. The main research literature review about this theme in recent years can roughly fall into three categories, namely, studies on the integration of M&P elements in teaching, studies on tentative system construction of M&P education or of a certain English course for English majors, and studies on using a certain teaching mode as vehicle of M&P teaching content. An open mode for curriculum design is thereby proposed based on a case analysis of the main textbook of AESC (the Audio-visual English Speaking Course) offered by Taizhou University, in the hope that the power of hidden M&P education will be manifested as it is integrated into English-major courses.


hidden moral education, M&P education, implementation path, curriculum design, teaching mode, AESC

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Sociology Study, Mar.-Apr. 2022, Vol. 12, No. 2, 63-69


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