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“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania


Arguably, globalisation has caused an identity crisis in Europe. As national borders became more integrated in the last few decades, the volume of migrants into the EU and the value of ethnicity held by Europeans have also been on the rise. Particularly, the bloc has been facing an influx of immigrants from the African and Middle East continents. As for the EU leaders, their stance on a common migration policy is entrenched in the wider social, cultural, and political processes that depict an endangered European identity. This would explain the current debate on immigration in many of the European countries appears to have been securitised. This paper takes a wider look into how immigration has reshaped the EU, as well as, how EU immigrants have had to shift their identities as they struggle to fit into their new society.


EU, identity, immigrants, shifting identities, society

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Sociology Study, Mar.-Apr. 2022, Vol. 12, No. 2, 37-44


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