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Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Poznań University of Technology, u. Berdychowo 4, Poznań 60-965, Poland


PIMs (Polymer Inclusion Membranes) are popular in molecular transport in different solutions. Most often they are used in the transport and removal of ionic compounds, for example metal ions or organic ionic compounds. In this work, membranes were used as extraction devices for isolation of pharmaceuticals from water samples. PIMs were composed of CTA (Cellulose Triacetate) as polymeric matrix, 2-NPOE (2-Nitrophenylo Octyl Ether) as plasticizer, and alkyl quaternary ammonium salt (Aliquat 336) was used as the carrier. The influence of the carrier and plasticizer presence on PIM’s extraction efficiency was described. This extraction deice was used for isolation of ibuprofen, ascorbic acid and paracetamol form water samples. The best retention percentage on polymer membranes was achieved between 80%-100% for three components membranes. The extraction ability of polymeric membranes was described and confirmed using HSP (Hansen Solubility Parameter) determined for each analyte and membrane components. Determination of these parameters allows describing the interaction between the analytes and membrane and concludes which membrane composition gives the best properties. All qualitative and quantitative analysis was done using HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography).


PIMs, separation techniques, extraction, HSPs.

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